Play with others? For points? Dice, card games, ball games (pool, miniature golf)? Many people like that. Play the accountant, calculate the score for each player? Less people are so inclined. This app is a notepad that adds and processes points of any game.Features:- note points, calculate current score automatically- show who shuffles the cards- continuous calculation of current leader and loser.- define your own game type and players- save function: Continue the game whenever you like.- no advertisements and no transfer of your data.QuickScorer is tailored to making recording and adding points easy-peasy.Data protection:This app does not store or process any personal data according to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), Article 4(1 and 2). It does not communicate with other apps and is not open to information requests from third parties. It does not use cookies and can be used without internet connection. QuickScorer uses the names of players only within a certain game, and exclusively to display the names in the notepad. In addition, the user may choose to enter anonymized player aliases. A general remark: When you download the mobile app, the necessary information such as your client data and your account number are transferred to the app store. The developer of this app has no influence on the collection of data through Google and is not responsible for it.